What tourist inspectors control in inspection in catering objects?
Closer to the tourist season, increases the number of opening restaurants. Like every season, tourist inspectors will check whether catering objects are doing business in accordance with the Law on catering activityes.
Below we will list breach of regulations for which tourist inspectors usually charge penalties on scene, submitt indictment proposals, or make orders to prohibition of work in restaurants.
Every restaurant must primarily be registered and have all the necessary conditions for catering services, and must have completed the minimum technical requirements for the arrangement and equipment of the facility.
At the entrance must be clearly stated the name and designation of the hotel establishment, working hours, and within it, should be set menus and wine lists on the tables, information on filing consumer complaints and notifications which forbid the consumption of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age, kitchen must be specified in accordance with the offer while sanitary section should be always impeccably clean and disinfected.
Finally, we must not forget the no less important than the previous one, and that is always smiling, polite and professional staff!